I was at the grocery store grabbing a few things, when a customer saw the bruise on my arm. She instantly knew where it came from. She recommended WomenatthecentrE. It's a pan-Canadian survivor centred and non-profit organization that works to help with all types of gender-based violence.
They were super helpful with everything. One of the girls working there let me stay with her for a few months, just until I was able to find a job, and get Maggie into day care. With her help, I was able to get a small apartment. She lent me some money just so I wouldn't fall deep into trouble. I slowly paid her back and was able to get my life on track.
All you need is one single person to make a difference and everything can suddenly turn around.
Please if you need help, reach out to me or anyone. And if you don't need help, lend a helping hand to those who do.
Until next time...
- Alex